“You think winter will never end, and then, when you don’t expect it,
when you have almost forgotten it, warmth comes and a different light.
Under the bare trees the wildflowers bloom so thick you can’t walk without stepping on them.
The pastures turn green and the leaves come.
You look around presently, and it is summer.” — wendell berry
Four years ago, we started our new life together. You brought summer to my winter. Pursued me with a beautifully relentless love. Pressing past my fear and self-protection. Reminding me over and over again of your commitment to us. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. And while I never would have chosen the paths that brought us here, they made us who we are. And I’m just so very thankful that our stories converged in my favorite happy ending.
Happy Anniversary, Baby. You have my heart forever.
“I hunt for the way to speak of it, for it is the best thing I have known in this world,
and it lays its peace on everything else I know.” — wendell berry
And just like that I’m crying. So beautiful.